lunes, 10 de abril de 2017

My favorite piece of technology


I think my favorite piece of technology is my Samsung Notebook; it was a present to me when I graduated
 from elementary school to enter high school back in 2013.  

I use it to do the annoying homework of the great University of Chile, see videos in YouTube, make memes in Facebook, download games in The Pirate Bay and watch porn (giggles). I think you have to use the keyboard and mouse but I’m not so sure.
How i use you?!

I use it every day, as long as I can, like a fucking cocaine addict.

I like my notebook because is so goddamn useful to do basically anything, without it I couldn’t do the irritating homework (Kill Me), see memes in Facebook (Kill Me x 300) or watch porn.
i cant live without my notebook

So basically this notebook is very important to me.

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