lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Bread and Roses or how Janitors can create a Marxism revolution inside a building

This movie was fine, not excellent, just fine. Sometimes was going too fast and I think the sub-plot of the romance between Maya and Sam was unnecessary and bad developed, I mean in one scene they are hugging and in the next they are fucking.


I like the determination of the janitors and the tactic they used to achieve better working conditions. I have to admit that I was expecting guerrilla wannabe stuff put in motion but then I remembered that this movie was inspired in real events so fuck my fantasy.

Real Janitor Warriors.
My favorite character was Rosa because she destroys the dirty plans of these commies and ascends in the social class like a true apex predator.

My favorite scene was the beginning in the frontier between USA and Mexico because I thought that it was going to be a “Sicario” like film but then in the next scene it became in the fucking “The Office”.

Well, at least I respect the janitor more.

The real champion of the gods.

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